The Purpose Of This Blog

I created this blog to help people properly care for rabbits in a safe and clean way. On the blog you will find information on rabbit toys, housing, food, taming, bonding, exercise, grooming, training and much more, as well as clips and pictures of my bunnies and other rabbits to give you an idea of how the methods discussed should look.

Saturday 6 April 2013

Rabbit toys

Rabbits need to be entertained other wise they can turn to chewing their hutch/cage. They will still need other ways of keeping busy, but toys can certainly help. A whole range of toys are available for purchase at many different prices. Your rabbits might not enjoy toys, or only like a particular kind. You will need to get a variety to find the best for your situation. Different toys work in different was and can occupy bunnies for different reasons such as food, noise, texture or flavour. Toys can be as cheap or expensive as you want them to be. You can choose to spend vast sums of money on lots of toys or you can make your own for next to nothing. I will adress making toys in a later post. You can use many things a rabbit toys and many toys entended for babies can be played with by rabbits.
Popular rabbit toys include baby keys, willow balls, shaped and flavoured wood, knotted fleece and treat dispencing balls.


These are the various pet shop hauls of rabbit accessories that I buy. Toys can be a great way to entertain your rabbits but should not be the only thing. Also shown here is some grooming equipment, feeding bowls and bottles and play tunnels/huts.

Wednesday 10 October 2012

A good morning routine for you rabbit

This is my old summer morning routine see video (above)
A good morning routine is efficient, clean and useful.
You need to decide what is to be fed at each time.
I  now start by putting the bunnies in the run. They then have 10 minutes to eat grass while I clean the litter trays out. Then I give greens and veggies. Usually a treat fruit of vegetable such as half a small carrot per bunny. As well as that, they get a main vegetable, mostly leaves. This can be anything from sprouts and broccoli to cauliflower leaves and cabbage.

When they have finished eating, they get time to eat grass until about 10 o'clock.
You need to have a routine that is convenient for you as well as the bunnies, so time is important. When I have put the bunnies in the run, another family member has to return them to the hutch after I have set off for school. Many other rabbit owners are be in the same situation because of school or work, so it is up to them to find a way for the rabbit(s) to eat and exercise. Rabbits are active at dawn and dusk, so putting them in the run for a few hours during the day might be convenient for you, but it is not natural for a rabbit. A permanently attached run might be a solution to this problem. My current hutch has an under-run for exercise, but I still give the bunnies grazing time early in the morning and in the evening.

This is only a guideline for a possible morning routine and it is not the only one that will work. I know many rabbit owners who follow this routine, or one similar but it is up to you to design a morning routine for your bunnies. Morning routines can vary a lot, especially for houserabbits, because they can be free range in a room as to allow permanent exercise.

Monday 8 October 2012

Rabbit eats food!!!

My rabbit doing the thing rabbits love best-EATING

If you do not want commentary turn sound off.
Unless you have seen my other videos what I am saying will make no sense to you.

Rabbit Food Indepth

This is the indepth of my previous video 'rabbit bedding ad food'.

Bedding and food oveview

This is a rough guide to feeding and bedding.